The Best Medicine – One More Time

By Connie Warnock, The Northwest Connection
By Connie Warnock, The Northwest Connection

Yesterday, I was asked who I was voting for, and when I replied “Trump” he said, “really?” “Really,” I replied. “Why,” he asked, “do you really think Trump can be a good president?”

Here, word for word is my answer:

Yes, I believe he will make a great President. For starters, he is a self-made man and does not have to prove his success in the private sector. He’s very smart (savvy) and did not get where he is without listening to and observing men already successful in their fields. I believe him to be sincerely sensitive to those less fortunate American citizens. He is not wishy-washy. His views are firmly founded in America and our Constitution. It is no surprise that he listens to the likes of Dr. Ben Carson, Rick Pence, Newt Gingrich, numerous retired and active generals, the FBI and others. Failure is not an option. Many times during his campaign I have heard people question his ideas, only to be told by respected military personnel that (for example) “yes, a relationship with Russia’s Putin would be a good idea.”

Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump
Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump

In this campaign, Donald Trump is both a positive and a definite. Hillary Clinton is a negative and a question mark. She is nothing more than Obama in a pant-suit. The possibilities of anti-American wrong-doing on her part whether out of ignorance or a sense of superiority are more than just possibilities. The head of the FBI proved that; but, didn’t have the fortitude to indict. How this woman can face those who lost loved ones in Benghazi is beyond me. Her attempt to bond with the black community using a fake accent was appalling. It is my opinion that she is not a well person; but I doubt we will ever know the truth. She seems to have a lot of trouble with the truth. God forbid we should end up with her Vice President as President.

I don’t think the “Left Coast” is using their collective brains. Our country is a mess. We are in physical danger. The Democrats are like deer in the headlights. If we proceed without a real change then we as Americans are sitting ducks. How many policemen will die, how many people bent on causing our destruction will enter this country, how much more in debt will the United State of America be, and how will generations of children, taught that mediocrity is safe under the guise of “Common Core,” even have a future?

We need to make a change if the United States of America is to survive. I urge you to vote for Donald Trump and give America the chance to defend itself.

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