“Oregon Liberty Lovers Unite, and Take to Salem this Month”

Breeauna Sagdal
Chris Brambles, Columbia County Coordinator of Oregon Firearm Federation

Community leaders and Grassroots activists unite under the banner of medical freedom this month at the Oregon State Capitol. The event hosted by Oregonians For Medical Freedom on September 27th comes on the heels of devastating fires. As the state of Oregon comes to grips with 30 years of failed policy by one party rule, her citizens are rising up and uniting to fight back against further draconian policy, and possible mandates of the rushed Covid-19 vaccine.

Slated speaker Breeauna Sagdal who was recently displaced with her family due to fires had this to say to patriot soap box.

“The time has come to put aside our differences and really focus on the realization of what we want the future of our great State to be. We must now work harder than ever, if we’re to change the current political landscape.”

Speakers have been invited from grassroots organizations across Oregon, including TimberUnity and various second amendment groups, with one goal in mind, freedom.

Oregon has recently endured over 100 nights of rioting, looting, and violence during protests in downtown Portland. The State is currently ablaze, as many reports of arson surface, and many more left wondering if the two events might be connected.

Talk show host of radio’s “Trigger Warning”, and Columbia County Coordinator of Oregon Firearm Federation, Chris Brambles is also set to speak on the 27th, his mission in life has become fighting back against the rise in cultural Marxism, and fascism, thinly veiled as “antifascist”.

“The tree of Liberty is being eaten from within by the fungus of cultural Marxism. It is my duty, as it is all of our duty to ensure that Liberty is passed to our Children and Grandchildren. I will fight Marxism and Usurpation till hell freezes over; then I will fight on ice”. Brambles uses his platform to balance the information war waged within the mainstream media. Amongst His many contributions to freedom, Brambles has fought diligently to create a second amendment sanctuary in Columbia County.

The people of Oregon are coming together in a way that’s leading our nation, giving rise to awareness and what it takes to stand your ground in the face of tyranny. While other States grapple with adopting more progressive policies, Oregon has led the nation in progressivism, but now pulling back on the reins, realizing what that stark reality is on a very tangible level.

Progress without balance has a way of inching towards authoritarianism, as more autocratic agencies are created to carry out and enforce new policies. It’s time we all focus on test States, such as Oregon, and ask ourselves if this is the future we really want.


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