A “Suit” For The Ages: Common Sense v. The Best & The Brightest

“Sword of Common Sense! Our surest gift.” – George Meredith (1828-1909), “To the Comic Spirit”

“Foremost captain of his time; rich in saving common-sense.” – Tennyson (ode to the Duke of Wellington)

THE EMPEROR OF AUSTRIA, upon being informed of the death of the ambassador from Russia, said: “I wonder what his motive was.”
Sometimes smartly-dressed emperors have no clothes, considering common sense, simply because their words have no credibility. Sometimes the sexy info babes of the media have no clothes because they echo the words of the emperor:

“Fourteen of the hottest years have been in the last 15 years; Travon Martin was as innocent as the wind-driven snow; the Ferguson ‘victim’ had his hands up; the St. Paul ‘victim’ was a saint! And it’s easier for a kid to get a Glock than a book.”

When your President comes to “praise” cops, it sounds like he’s trying on a new suit of clothes. That was a eulogy? Even Yahoo says he ruined the speech. The five dead Dallas cops were there that night to protect protesters chanting “Pigs in a blanket.” The prez once praised agitators, er organizers, at the White House. What’s worse, the state-controlled news anchors parrot the emperor: “It is very hard to untangle the motives of shooters who target people who are no threat to them; as for what sets them off, I’ll leave that to the psychiatrists.” Some anchors! Some news!

Maybe the devil made him do it? Were the St. Paul protesters egged on by somebody to throw eggs and rocks at the St. Paul cops? Black-and-blue lives matter too! The new Black Panthers and the BLM movement are a mirror-image of the KKK: “If you defend yourselves, you are guilty of McCarthyism or worse,” they say.

Someone said red-white-and-blue lives matter. All lives matter. Even blueblood and Tea Party lives (“we should judge people by the color of their character, not the color of their teeth – or necks”)! By the way, I wonder if the “psychiatrists” have figured out the motive of the Ft. Hood shooter yet? Or San Bernardino’s? Some things go without saying, but some things must not be left unsaid. When Hitler killed six million Jews, “why did he do it”(?) [and why did the State Dept. use our dollars to try to defeat Bibi Netanyahu?].

“Isn’t it great to live in the 21st century – where deleting history has become more important than making it?” – UPmag.net

College snowflakes would be “triggered” if they had to study the lives of leaders such as the Duke of Wellington (“of amplest influence, yet clear of ambitious crime, our greatest, yet with the least of pretence”).

I’m reading a book by Tim Russert, “Big Russ and Me”; he started to write his father’s biography, then some autobiography; then it morphed into a biography of Daniel Patrick Moynihan, his employer mentor-father. Boy, could we use a few more of that kind of man!

“Moynihan was the smartest man I ever knew, and the best professor I ever had. He taught me phrases like ‘semantic infiltration’ (the tendency to use the language of one’s opponents) and ‘the iron law of emulation’ (the process by which organizations that are ostensibly in conflict . . . increasingly begin to resemble each other).” – Russert

But enough about politics. We have a nation to heal. Get down off your high horses. After a few days in Moynihan’s DC office, Russert – from upstate New York – wasn’t “fitting in” with the Bluebloods with whom he was working. Moynihan told him:

“Let me tell you something; what they know, you can learn, but what you know they will never learn. Remember: none of these guys has ever worked on a garbage truck.” Tim had, during his college summers, and the Sanitation Department was one of his dad’s two jobs.

I wonder how many “civil servants” in Washington today had to even take OUT the garbage when they were kids? And yet, they are the Best and the Brightest? There have been 3,459 murders in Chicago since January 2009. And I don’t think the President has attended one victim’s funeral there. I wonder why he wants to stay in the DC area if he leaves office (he won’t if a race war gets going).

My book-tip-of-the-day is “The War On Cops” by Heather McDonald (“a cop is 18 times more likely to be murdered than an unarmed black getting shot by a cop”). And so far it sounds like the Minnesota “victim” wasn’t unarmed. His “girl friend” said he had a gun. We’re not supposed to pre-judge Islamist shooters, but that didn’t stop the governor of Minnesota from condemning the hispanic cop who, quite probably, shot in self-defense (you’d be a little nervous too if you had a governor like that).

My relations with police officers ware mostly mutually respectful. In fact when I played hard ball, I had two teammates who were city cops. We celebrated victories together at a local bar. But for people who move from state to state, just be, let me say, extra respectful to the officer.

Somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright.

The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere children shout.

And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere hearts are light.

But there is no joy in Mudville, –

[Because 86 percent of MPS students are woefully illiterate.]

More to come, but pls pass it on before we “pass on.”

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Northwest Connection.)



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