Why is Good Friday, GOOD?

Marlon Furtado

For people around the world, the Friday before Easter is called Good Friday. I doubt that any of the followers of Christ, watching the brutal torture of Jesus, would have thought, “This is GOOD.” In fact, it was the WORST Friday of their lives. Many followed Jesus because they assumed that He was the long-awaited Messiah who would deliver Israel from subjugation to Rome and lift them to the pinnacle among nations and empires. Finally, Israel would be #1.

During the previous few years, multitudes had personally experienced healing by Jesus. Blindness, paralysis, leprosy, muteness, demonic possession, and even death had all bowed to His authority. It would be as incredible as having only one doctor in the ER, and when people came in on stretchers with COVID-19, in a matter of minutes they’d walk out with no trace of the virus. Beds would be empty. Respirators would still be in their boxes.

His disciples had seen Jesus command a storm to stop, and it did immediately. Another time Jesus multiplied one boy’s sack lunch to feed thousands of people, with food left over. Later that night, Jesus walked on water. There was nothing He couldn’t do.The previous Sunday had been the icing on the cake. Like a parade with Jesus as the Grand Marshal, He rode into Jerusalem amidst shouts of “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the King of Israel!” (John 12:13) It seemed that everyone recognized Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus seemed to be at the height of popularity.

But within a few days, everything came crashing down. The invincible Jesus was arrested, beaten, bruised, and whipped beyond recognition. Then He was nailed to a cross and died. No, His disciples would not have called it GOOD Friday. So, why do multitudes of Christians around the world call this terrible treatment of Jesus GOOD?

It was only after the resurrection of Jesus a few days later, that His followers understood how truly GOOD His crucifixion was. Jesus had not come the first time as the Conquering Messiah to raise the Jewish nation to prominence. He came as the Suffering Messiah to die for our sins. John the Baptist indicated this at the start of Jesus’ ministry. Speaking of Jesus, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29) The death of the sinless Son of God, as our Substitute, was the only way to make possible for you and me to have a love-relationship with God. “For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, TO BRING YOU TO GOD.” (1 Peter 3:18)

If you haven’t received Jesus as your Savior yet, I hope you’ll do that soon. Then, you can celebrate with us that Good Friday is indeed GOOD.


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