The Only Causes Worth Fighting For Are The Lost Causes

Bill Wehr
Bill Wehr, Council President

”You think I’m licked. You all think I’m licked. Well, I’m not licked. And I’m going to stay right here and fight for this lost cause.” Senator Jefferson SmithMV5BMTU2NjQzNTM4N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwOTAzNDc5._V1_
The 1939 classic movie Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, starring James Stewart as Senator Smith, tells the story of a man who really believed he was appointed to the Senate to do the honorable thing and serve his constituents to the best of his ability. Along the way, he finds the deck is stacked against him by special interests that just want him to be a place-setter, and for him to not question the status quo. He confronts his opponents using Senate rules and old-fashioned gumption. The movie shows it is possible for one person with principles to overcome powerful political forces.

“I wouldn’t give you two cents for all your fancy rules if, behind them, they didn’t have a little bit of plain, ordinary, everyday kindness and a little looking out for the other fella, too.” Sen. Smith.

"Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" James Stewart, Claude Rains and Cast 1939 Columbia **I.V.
“Mr. Smith Goes to Washington”
James Stewart, Claude Rains and Cast
1939 Columbia

Here in Damascus City, Counselor Jim De Young has upset conventional wisdom by filing a legal challenge in Clackamas County circuit court in opposition to Measure 93, the disincorporation question that appeared on last May’s ballot. He is doing this as a private citizen naming the Governor, State of Oregon, Clackamas County and the City of Damascus. He has challenged this measure on its Constitutionality. Does the State have the right to impose its will on a city, and force a vote on a city that has its own Home Rule Charter?
A Charter protects its citizens from the very heavy handedness that has come down from the Oregon legislature. And should Damascus be singled out and be the only city in the state to have to abide by this ruling? If the State can so easily override a city’s right to

"Mr.Smith Goes To Washington" Jimmy Stewart 1939 Columbia
“Mr.Smith Goes To Washington”
Jimmy Stewart
1939 Columbia

self-determination why have city charters that already have their own processes for de-annexation and disincorporation?

“I tried to say them once before, and I got stopped colder than a mackerel.” Sen. Smith.

The decision to pursue court action was one that Mr. De Young did after patiently waiting for the City Council to defend the City. Time passed, and after constantly urging the council to legally challenge Measure 93, or House Bill 3085 which created the Measure, he realized there was not the majority on Council to do this. He went forward on his own expense, time, conviction, and gumption.

“Great principles don’t get lost once they come to light; they’re right here! You just have to see them again.” Sen. Smith.

Mr. De Young understands that Damascus will lose its self-determination upon disincorporation. There are immediate matters of concern that are best solved by our own citizens who understand our values as a community.

Marijuana regulation will be handled by Clackamas County. There will be pressures coming from existing cities that do not want the growing, producing, and retailing of the product. Passing our own comprehensive plan would give our City the platform to work out our own zoning, density, transportation, taxation, and other issues in accord with our own goals.

“Have you ever noticed how grateful you are to see daylight again after coming through a long dark tunnel? Always try to see life around ya as if you’d just come out of a tunnel.” Sen Smith

Our citizens are tired. We have been through a decade and more of plans and more plans, and taxes and more taxes. It seems like a never ending conflict over how the city should be perfected. But if people can rethink about why we voted to become a city in the first place, we may be able to come up with a new approach that addresses how we can retain our values in face of the demands of being part of Metropolitan Portland . We have over a decade invested in this undertaking. We can figure it out.

“Odds against them didn’t stop those men. They were fools that way. All the good that ever came into this world came from fools with faith like that. Lost causes: For the only reason any man ever fights them. Because of one simple rule. Love thy neighbor.”
In the movie Senator Smith was able to overcome tremendous odds against him and was able to deliver to his constituents something of lasting value. In contrast, on January 29, 2016 the Circuit Court ruled in favor of the State defense of Measure 93. The disincorporation of Damascus will proceed.

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Northwest Connection.)


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