90 Scientists: Global Warming is a Total Hoax

Bryan Fischer

Folks, don’t let the Talking Snake Media lie to you. Not only does man-caused global warming not exist, it is the scientific hoax of the century. And 90 leading Italian scientists say so.

All of them signed a detailed letter to lawmakers which challenges the claim that man is causing catastrophic global warming, and that CO2 emissions are the culprit.

They argue that our policies with regard to global warming should not be based on hysterics but should be “consistent with scientific knowledge.” I couldn’t agree more.

So if we are going to base our view of climate change on science, the first thing we need to accept, say these scientists, is that “CARBON DIOXIDE IS NOT ITSELF A POLLUTANT.” (Emphasis in original, except where noted.) The view that CO2 is a pollutant is the single biggest lie of the entire environmental movement.

CO2 is not a pollutant, it is plant food. It is, as these scientists say, “indispensable for life on our planet.” Plants absorb CO2 and use it to grow. They also release oxygen into the atmosphere, which is a nice thing if you like to breathe.

If you run a greenhouse and you want to turbo-charge plant growth, you can do it by injecting CO2 into the greenhouse. Side by side videos of plants in an environment with normal CO2 levels and plants in an environment with highly elevated levels of CO2 show an astounding difference in the rate of growth. In fact, an area the size of the United States has greened up around the world as the CO2 concentration has increased. CO2 is not our enemy. CO2 is our friend.

These scientists go on to state flatly that “the anthropic origin of global warming is an UNPROVEN HYPOTHESIS, deduced only from some climate simulation models.” In other words, the entire catastrophic global warming scare rests on very imprecise and almost invariably wrong simulation models, which cannot account for natural variability.

“Natural variability,” in fact, “explains a substantial part of global warming observed since 1850.” It is irresponsible and unrealistic to blame warming on human beings, and further, it’s nonsense to believe all the doom and gloom warnings. “The advanced alarmist forecasts, therefore, are not credible, since they are based on models whose results contradict the experimental data.” (Emphasis mine.) The climate simulation models “overestimate the anthropic contribution and underestimate the natural climatic variability.”

For instance, there is no correlation between rising CO2 levels and increased tropical cyclone activity. There is, however, a strong correlation between cyclonic activity and the completely natural Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, an oscillation that runs in roughly 60 year cycles.

These scientists also blow up completely the myth that science is in any way based on a show of hands, which is what five alarm environmentalists want us to believe. “The scientific method dictates that the facts, not the number of adherents, make a conjecture a consolidated scientific theory.” (Emphasis mine.)

They themselves are living proof – all 90 of them – that “the alleged consensus (on global warming) DOES NOT EXIST.” Their petition itself demonstrates clearly the absence of a scientific consensus on the matter. The list of signers includes professors of physics, atmospheric physics, physical chemistry, natural sciences, environmental engineering, astronomy, applied geology, volcanology, meteorology and climatology, oceanography, satellite interferometry (whatever that is), hydrogeology, and probability and mathematical statistics. In other words, these are outstanding and highly credentialed scientists. They know what they are talking about.

Their bottom line: “Nature, not the activity of Man, governs the climate.”

And since in America, we believe in “Nature’s God,” it is in fact God who governs the climate. Man can’t do a thing about that. Man-caused, catastrophic global warming, folks, is a sham, a scam, and a hoax. Don’t fall for it. Science has your back on that one.




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Comments to: 90 Scientists: Global Warming is a Total Hoax
  • […] 90 Scientists: Global Warming is a Total Hoax […]

  • July 10, 2019

    Dear Bryan,

    I am one of over 30,000 American scientists who signed a similar (but much shorter) petition, which you can read about here:

    However, neither the American petition nor the letter signed by the 90 Italian scientists say that “global warming is a hoax.”

    Global warming is not a hoax. The evidence is compelling that global warming is real, and that at least a substantial part of it is caused by man.

    But there is NO evidence that it is significantly harmful. The best evidence is that manmade global warming is modest and benign, and CO2 emissions are beneficial, rather than harmful. In fact, scientists call warm periods, like our current climate, “climate optimums.”

    The 90 Italian scientists did NOT say that global warming is a hoax. Rather, they said:

    ● “Carbon dioxide is… not a pollutant… it is indispensable for life on our planet.” That’s true.

    ● It is claimed by the IPCC that the approximately 0.9°C of global warming since 1850 is] “anomalous and caused exclusively by human activities, in particular by the emission of CO2 from the use of fossil fuels… [with the threatened consequence of imminent] enormous [environmental] damage… unless drastic and costly mitigation measures are immediately adopted… [but] natural variability explains a substantial part of global warming observed since 1850.” That’s also true.

    ● “The catastrophic predictions are not realistic.” That’s also true.

    ● “Many recent studies… estimate that the climate sensitivity to CO2 is considerably lower than that estimated by the IPCC models.” That’s also true.

    ● The “evidence suggests that these models overestimate the anthropogenic contribution [to global warming] and underestimate the natural climatic variability.” That’s also true.

    ● The “alleged [scientific] consensus [about climate change] DOES NOT EXIST. In fact, there is a remarkable variability of opinions among specialists…” That’s also true.

    ● “Given the crucial importance that fossil fuels have for the energy supply… we [oppose] policies of… reducing carbon dioxide emissions… with the illusory pretense pf controlling the climate.” That’s also true.

    In other words, manmade global warming is modest and benign, CO2 emissions do not and will not cause great harm, and expensive projects to reduce carbon emissions are foolish.


    Dave Burton
    Cary, NC USA
    IPCC Expert Reviewer


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