Multnomah County Republican Party Supports State Senate Walkout

James Buchal, Multnomah County Republican Chair

The Multnomah County Republican Party supports the decision of Oregon Republican Senators to refuse to provide a quorum for the carbon cap and trade bill.  “We applaud Senate Republicans for having the courage to use their lawful powers to stop this reckless and staggeringly unfair attack on farms and small businesses throughout Oregon,” said James Buchal, Party Chair.

“HB 2020 will create yet another set of parasites running yet another complex and corrupt regulatory system that lets the rich corporations (if they didn’t already get protection from the bill) buy the right to emit CO2, while jacking up energy prices for the little guy,” said Buchal.  Even the Chapter Director of the Oregon Sierra Club admits that the law “favors big business”.


MCRP Office, 503-956-0919

James Buchal, MRCP Chair, 503-227-1011

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