Masterpiece – The Art Of Finishing Well

Connie McClellan
Sandy Snavely

Masterpiece – The Art of Finishing Well, began with a call on the hearts of two women who said ‘yes’ to producing a conference for women over 50.
Nearly a year later that call was brought to fruition, as approximately 250 women gathered together at Grace Community Church for an full day of heartfelt worship led by Maxine Lawrence and her incredible team of musicians, two keynote messages by Connie McClellan and Sandy Snavely, who drew life-changing messages from the life of Paul, whose letters to Timothy set the hearts for all of God’s women on finishing well.

Artwork by Connie McClellan

All attendees were blessed by two rounds of master classes, each specifically designed to speak to the needs of older women, and led by the most excellent of speakers who exemplify women who have turned the aging process into a work of Masterful art.

The day was brought to a close as the younger women who were in attendance at our conference, were given a charge by all the women over 50, as they held their hands over them, entrusting the gospel to them, while re-committing to their own lives to finishing well for the sake of the future generations who will continue to follow the Master! This conference was planned by women from a variety of churches throughout East County.

God’s Masterpiece

We are God’s Masterpiece
Written on the canvas of grace.
Each one special in their own right,
tho’ often scattered through time and space.
We are God’s Masterpiece,
The Great Artist, He;
Painting us with care
on the canvas of eternity.
He sets up His canvas,
ready to begin,
erasing all signs
that could reveal our sins.
As He prepares His paintbrushes,
Ready now to start
Now painting His beauty
On the canvas of the heart.
God’s Masterpiece,
that’s who I am.
Chosen to be His art work.
Borne out of the sacrifice of God’s lamb.
– Carol Poole


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