The New World Order Is TECHNOCRACY

Art Crino
Deep State villains exposed!

A concise list of the Deep State villains might be the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission (TC). The TC by influence is the most effective one of the three. It has wrapped its tentacles around the globe.

The TC roots go back to 1970 when Columbia University professor Zbighniew Brzezinski published the book Between Two Ages, America’s Role in the Technotronic Era. The book was admired by David Rockefeller who took Brzezinski under his wing.

Brzezinski advocated the creation of “a council for global cooperation” bringing together “the United States, Japan and Western Europe”. He revealed the real purpose was a step on the road to global government. Rockefeller agreed, spawning the Trilateral Commission (TC).

Patrick M. Wood, author of the book Technocracy RISING

An early critic of the TC was Senator Barry Goldwater. In his 1979 book With No Apologies he wrote “What the Trilateral’s truly intend is the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the nation-states involved as managers and creators of the system that will rule the future”.

Professor Zbigniew Brzezinski

For a bird’s eye view of Brzezinski’s mechanics, one quotation from his book is revealing: “The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be one dominated by an elite, unrestricted by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance on every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities”. It might be said the pass-word to this futuristic system is Technocracy.

One may wonder how Brzezinki would acquire the personal information on citizens. The data gathered by Obama Care and Common Core as well as the internet might be a good start.

Another question to ask, is how do they manage to create the “controlled society dominated by an elite?” Richard Gardner answers the question in his Hard Road to World Order that appeared in CFR’s Foreign Affairs in 1974 where Gardner wrote, in short, the “house of world order” would have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great “booming buzzing confusion”, to use William James’ famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.

An example of a failed step toward “a house of world order” was March 23, 1933 when the Enabling Act gave Adolph Hitler the power to enact laws without the involvement of the Reichstag, which transformed the government into a legal dictatorship.

A second case of Technology implementation was in China. It was indeed a simple Communist nation until members of the TC got hold of it. It was Henry Kissinger under Richard Nixon and Zbighniew Brzezinski under Jimmy Carter who normalized relations with Communist China and then threw open the doors for Western multinational corporations to pursue massive economic opportunities. In the process China was absorbed into the Trilateral mission of a New International Economic Order.

The dismantling of the USSR could have been initiated by members of the TC. January 1989 a TC delegation called on Mikhail Gorbachev. The group included Japan’s Yasuhiro Nabasone, France’s Valery Giscard d’ Estaing and from the U.S., David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger. It was suggested the time had come for the USSR to again become a more typical nation. Subsequently many satellites were released and the Berlin Wall came down. Gorbachev resigned December 25, 1991 as the last leader of the USSR.

In Europe the TC members worked to form what initially was referred to as the United States of Europe but in the end it was the European Union (EU). Trilateral Commissioner Valery d’ Estang of France was the author of the EU’s Constitution in 2002-2003. The EU ruling Commission is made up of appointed members. It drafts regulations for the 28 former sovereign nations. The Parliament, the EU lower house, can approve or reject the proposed regulations but it cannot initiate regulations.

The Trilateralists no doubt approve of the UN Agenda 21 program launched in 1992 at a meeting in Reo de’ Janeiro, Brazil. It dovetails with the New Economic International Economic Order. Trilateral Commission member GRO Harlem Brundtland chaired the commission responsible for memorializing the phrase “Sustainable Development” and laying the ground-work for the 1992 Reo conference. The heartbeat of Technology is Sustainable Development. It calls for an engineered society where the needs of mankind are in perfect balance with the sources of nature.

The complex Agenda 21 dominated until in effect it merged with the UN Paris accord entitled: Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development or Agenda 2030. There were 193 UN member nations at the December 2015 meeting. High on the priority list was wealth redistribution. Of the 193 members, 134 are known as G77. These are to be recipients of wealth from the 59 so-called developed nations. The documents call for : “By 2030 ensure that all men and women in particular the poor and vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources.” The amount of wealth necessary was not published but it would no doubt be in the trillions.

The next question might be, how will the economies of 193 nations be molded to provide quality economic rights throughout? From an economic direction, that is where Technocracy comes in, as Brzezinski proposed in his book.

Patrick M. Wood, author of the book Technocracy RISING, The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, has written: Although the Trilateral Commission is international in scope, in the U.S. they are more than just being part of the so-called Deep State, they ARE the Deep State!

For a tangible example of the work of the TC, the South Carolina House of Representatives adopted the Competency-based Education Program via H. 4596 on March 9, 2018. What is Competency-based Education (CBE)?” This system would have students in front of inter-active computers that are programmed to teach the respective topics, correct the student answers and allow the student to progress as competency is shown. CBE would erode local control and centralize education at the state level, eliminating the need for teachers and local school boards. Under CBE the computer will teach values, attitude and beliefs while developing human capital for the work force. And a similar program, dubbed SB 50, is proposed in Indiana’s Senate.

It is not surprising Bill Gates has dumped billions of dollars to promote Common Core and hundreds of millions pushing CBE.

If CBE gains traction, there will be a stampede to home schooling, resulting in a move for home schooling to become forbidden in the U.S. as it is in Germany.

Art Crino is a combat veteran of WW II, graduate of OSU in Electrical Engineering and his career was in engineering and factory management. Art may be contacted by e-mail at:

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Northwest Connection.)

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