“A True Tree Tale”

Connie Warnock with son Chris

T’was six days before Christmas –
St. Nick drawing near,
I cornered my husband
and with tact said, “my dear”-
The lights and adornments
for our Christmas tree
are upstairs and they aren’t being
brought down by me.
He brought in the tree
and two stands, large and small.
I wanted the large,
but he chose the small.
I pictured it barely holding water at all,
but they say “pick your battles.”
And, so I said fine!
Not knowing the battle
would be purely be mine!
Then upstairs he went,
and when he came down
he lit up the tree and said
“here – go to town.”
Just at that moment –
who should appear,
but son Chris to help decorate!
I said, “welcome my dear” –
With oohing and ahhing and much to-do
we covered the tree in a memory or two.
Then I said, “I’ll get a large pitcher of water –
‘cause the tree might dry out so we’ll do what we oughter.
Away to the kitchen,
I took a quick dash;
returned with the pitcher,
filled the stand in a flash.
The stand was quite small,
and the trunk was quite wide.
I could barely, just barely
get water inside.
Just then the tree
dressed in lights and décor,
leaned way to my left
as I lay on the floor!
In its path was a table
With our old antique lamp!
I pulled the tree back
as my arms felt a cramp!
If the tree kept on going,
it would break the lamp.
It was me versus tree
as I held to the trunk
I called out to Chris –
I thought I was sunk!
In a flash he appeared
and pulled up the tree.
I said “it’s the stand” –
Chris said “it’s too small I can see!
We can switch it tomorrow
our secret it will be.”
So, next morning on schedule,
my son did arrive.
And, we switched out the stand,
lest the tree take a dive.
Not a light or a bauble
moved out of place!
And, I dared not explain
the big smile on my face!

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