Persevering Prayer

Tj Saling Caldwell

“Prayer is the deliberate and persevering action of the soul. It is true and enduring, and full of grace. Prayer fastens the soul to God and makes it one with God’s will, through the deep inward working of the Holy Spirit.” Julian of Norwich

Of all the Christian disciplines, prayer is the easiest and yet the hardest. Easiest in that whether you are a young child or a brand-new Christian, you can learn to pray. Hardest in that maintaining a consistent prayer life can be difficult. We beat ourselves up because we’re not praying enough or we don’t know what to pray; then when we do pray and don’t see answers right away or don’t get the answer we want, we lose heart.

Jesus constantly encouraged His followers to persevere in prayer and not give up. He used parables such as the friend at midnight who kept banging on his neighbor’s door (Luke 11), or the nagging widow who sought justice from the unjust judge (Luke 18). Both parables show a persistent person seeking answers and resources from a fallible source yet even then, eventually getting what they desire. How much more, Jesus points out, will your Heavenly Father answer with good gifts those who persevere in prayer!

Ultimately Jesus is our example of persisting in prayer. He slipped away often, spending hours in prayer, sometimes praying through the night after ministering all day. He prayed for people, over people and with people. He sweat drops of blood as He cried out to His Heavenly Father on His knees. A busy schedule, long day or discouraging circumstances, never kept Jesus from seeking God.

Wouldn’t you love to eavesdrop on one of those prayer times to learn how Jesus persevered in prayer? Hear what and who He prayed for? Thankfully we can, in John 17. This isn’t the only place in scripture where we get to witness this intimate relationship between Jesus and His Papa, but John 17 is the most powerful example of intercessory prayer ever! Jesus has almost completed His journey on earth and will soon be with His Father. Before He goes though, He knows His disciples need strength and encouragement to keep going, so He begins to intercede aloud. He prays for Himself, His followers (the church), and the lost who have yet to believe. He prays for protection and for joy in the journey; for them to know the Truth and be filled with God’s love. But the main theme of His prayer is for UNITY. His desire is for all of us to become ONE in Him. Persevering in prayer means coming in alignment with God and His will through the Holy Spirit. This truly is the ultimate fulfillment of the Christian walk, becoming one with our heavenly Father!

Don’t give up on your prayers! Know that Jesus still intercedes for you today! Read and pray John 17 over yourself, your family and those around you and expect a deep inward working of the Holy Spirit.

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